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21st Century Work Life

Brought to you by Virtual not Distant, the 21st Century Work Life podcast looks at leading remote teams, online collaboration and working in distributed organisations.

Join Pilar Orti, guests & co-hosts as they shine the spotlight on the most relevant themes and news relevant to the modern knowledge worker.

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Sep 29, 2017

Further reflections after yesterday's episode on how employees are being tracked so that customers can get better service. 

I also came across this article to complement our short discussion on the nature and future of education: 

Who's Building the Infrastructure for Lifelong Learning by Linda Gratton. 

Sep 28, 2017


In this episode, Pilar and Lisette discuss five articles that have caught their eye in the last few months.

(1) Scraping data from LinkedIn to get insights into your employees. Hmm…

“The law's authors could not possibly have envisioned such a scenario when drawing up the bill....

Sep 27, 2017

Before contacting me to appear in the podcast, or on behalf of a potential guest, please listen to this episode. 

  • If you are a listener, go ahead just sent me a note, we don;t have to record a full episode, anything will do. Just email me and we can talk. Or go to and use the contact form.

  • If...

Sep 21, 2017

Just touching base with you today while I catch up with the backlog of conversations. Here's a little blog post that was quite popular last month: "How to Stop Worrying about Whether People are Getting the Work Done at Home". If you prefer to read the blog post, here's the link:

Sep 14, 2017

In this episode, Pilar explains the benefits of having regular update meetings with your remote team.


Pilar mentions this article by Amy Edmondson and Bror Saxberg Putting Lifelong Learning on the CEO Agenda.