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21st Century Work Life and leading remote teams

Brought to you by Virtual not Distant, the 21st Century Work Life podcast looks at leading remote teams, online collaboration and working in distributed organisations.

Join Pilar Orti, guests & co-hosts as they shine the spotlight on the most relevant themes and news relevant to the modern knowledge worker.

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Feb 23, 2017

Sam Mednick introduces herself. She's an audacious journalists and also a member of the Happy Melly team. 

Sam talks about what it's like to work in Happy Melly One. It seems difficult to separate happiness at work from happiness in life in general. It's ok now to admit that what happens in life affects our work and...

Feb 16, 2017

We talk about protecting our work when working outside the office. 

INTRO and Catch-up

Duncan featured us!
Programming and Data Science blog by Duncan Thomson

We recommend that you watch The Newsroom

Join us for Virtual Team Talk

Sococo has a new...

Feb 9, 2017

Feb 3, 2017

A short, on the go episode inspired by a recent conversation from a manager who had been told that people "could now work from home".

Feb 2, 2017

In this episode, we talk about the four areas of teamwork you should address in your remote team.

Introduction: What Caught Our Eye?

RSI and general health when working with so much tech.

More or Less 3 Jan Does Sweden Really have a Six Hour Day?
Pilar mentions Companies Without...