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21st Century Work Life

Brought to you by Virtual not Distant, the 21st Century Work Life podcast looks at leading remote teams, online collaboration and working in distributed organisations.

Join Pilar Orti, guests & co-hosts as they shine the spotlight on the most relevant themes and news relevant to the modern knowledge worker.

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Jun 24, 2021

This podcast is brought to you by Virtual Not Distant in London, where we help teams work better together wherever they are:

In today’s episode Pilar Orti interviews Mark Kilby, Mark has a course in the Lucid Meetings platform, How to Discover, Interview, and Hire Amazing Remote...

Jun 10, 2021

Brought to you by Virtual Not Distant in London, this month’s ‘what’s going on?’ remote news round-up was recorded by Pilar Orti and Maya Middlemiss on 1st June 2021.

Under discussion:

The evolution of hybrid work in context, and the impact on lockdown on things like creativity...