Feb 6, 2015
The guest in today's episode is Mike Russell, Creative Director
of Music Radio Creative, amongst other things.
00:30 Pilar talks about how the world of voiceover has changed and
she has some updates. virtualnotdistant.com/leading-virtual-teams-course/
09:50 Mike talks about Music Radio Creative and how they help
podcasters, djs and other broadcasters.
18:30 New Media Europe 12-13 Sept 2015. What's happening there?
23:05 Mike talks about how he started 'Youtubing' about Adobe
27:45 Mike's journey as an audio professional.
35:45 Working with people you can't see: trust and letting go.
40:45 The different uses of social media. Personal vs
Music Radio Creative and his personal website.
Mike's Udemy course Adobe Audition Tutorial CC Audio Production Course Basics to Expert