Mar 17, 2016
Today we go straight into our Virtual Coffee, wrapping up
our conversation of whether remote can scale.
Lisette's Supercards!!! Check them out here:
Use cards during video meetings to soften interruptions.
"Even a few minutes of fuzzy chat form a lasting connection."
To give your opinion on products and get paid for it,
follow this link.
(Only UK and Ireland.)
Adventures in Virtual Co-working in Sococo. If you want to join us, sign up to the Virtual Team Talk blog and we'll let you know about the next one. [We just publish updates on our events, so you won't get too much stuff from us.]
Lisette and I will talk Virtual Team Talk at New Media Europe!
Collaboration Eats Competition for Breakfast!
If you're going remote START! Start now with small experiments. All sorts of things will emerge - you don't know what the indirect effects will be.
Pilar mentions this article on the Happy Melly blog.
Great article, awful title:
Pilar was on OuiShare podcast, with Bernie!
Lisette's favourite Future of Work podcast, with the Gap: