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21st Century Work Life and leading remote teams

Brought to you by Virtual not Distant, the 21st Century Work Life podcast looks at leading remote teams, online collaboration and working in distributed organisations.

Join Pilar Orti, guests & co-hosts as they shine the spotlight on the most relevant themes and news relevant to the modern knowledge worker.

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Dec 14, 2017

Pilar and Lisette review the last year and look forward to see what 2018 might bring.


“Leadership in Remote Teams” online course 12 – 23 Feb 2018

Why Lisette won’t be joining us for the first two months of 2018.

The difficulty of saying “no” and how difficult it is to hear it.

Last year’s episode was episode 104
This was the article predicting 2017

10 Workplace Trends You'll See in 2017

What we’ve seen happen in 2017

Skype for Business seems more popular while individuals seem to be moving away from Skype.

How “co-working” means different things to different people.
If you find it isolating to work from home, you need to be proactive in reaching out.

The shift in mindset is slow…

The use of technology in recruiting.

“Experiences” as rewards.

The gig economy. If you would like to know more about this, check out episode 19 of Evidence Talks.

What’s been happening in 2017 in our own work lives

Virtual not Distant
Ross Winter took over the podcast polishing

Maya Middlemiss has joined the company!

Pilar and Lisette co-interviewed, and they also recorded an interview that will never air!

Join us for Virtual Team Talk

Online learning communities

Lots more podcasts have been created.
Pilar’s doing lots of podcasting, including Word Maze.

Tom Petty and Ueli Steck died…

Lisette delivered a TedX talk!

2017 Developments in the World of Work

Are we working longer hours if we work from home – so what about employment law?

Office 365 – the integration of tools

More conversation around what is an office space for?

At Deloitte, 83 per cent of the consultancy firm’s 16,000 UK employees use agile working — working from home or elsewhere when it suits them, and the business.
Companies are also embracing the idea of collaborative working, in which they share office space with each other. Regus, which provides shared and serviced offices, has 300 sites in the UK serving 250,000 businesses including Uber. Clients can pay-as-they-go from £15 per person per day.

Unlimited Vacation 

Distributed agile
Thanks to Heidi Araya - @HeidiAraya on Twitter

“Building career lifestyles”

Pilar appeared in this Spanish podcast

What We Look Forward to in 2018

Coaching online also works! 

Talk of how much home and work life should overlap or not.

Online meetups and conferences – what will happen in that space?
What will be different?

An article about trends to look for in 2018:


and of course the books “Collaboration Superpowers” and “Online Meetings that Rock”!