Jan 15, 2016
If you want to join the Slack Virtual Team Talk, let Pilar know through the VirtualnotDistant.com contact form.
00:40 Pilar's been busy over the last month, so there are quite a few updates here, lasting about 15 mins.
Meet the Virtual not Distant collaborators.
Link to the new series of webinars on Working in Virtual
The Virtual not Distant Academy is here: http://training-for-virtual-teams.teachable.com/
The first webinar is on Communication in Virtual Teams.
Join us on 26 Jan for the next Virtual Team Talk Blab: https://virtualteamtalk.wordpress.com/
10:30 - 14:45 Say 'No' to Collaboration.
How much time do YOU spend on collaborative activities?
Pilar recommends 'Team of Teams'.
19:35 The history of the RSA Reinventing Work Network, a space for people who want to change the way in which organisations are structured. Judy and Pilar (well, mainly Judy, as she is the guest today) talk about what has happened so far in the network.
If you're in London on 19th January, join us for our next event: http://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/rsa-fellows-reinventing-work-network-walking-the-talk-of-self-management-tickets-19799133742
You can watch the RSA talk with Frederic Laloux which inspired the creation of this network. https://www.thersa.org/events/2015/01/how-to-become-a-soulful-organisation/
Everyone has a piece of the puzzle, it's your job to find the others.
32:45 How does an open space work? Judy talks us through
the format we're using in the next meeting.
Lean coffee - open space online.
'Blended' networks - taking the face to face discussion online to deepen conversations and strengthen the network.
42:25 How Judy helps virtual teams to communicate better - by helping them get to know each other better! Team building in virtual teams.
Clean language and the use of metaphor.
How aware are you of the metaphors you use?
We begin to trip over our metaphors!!! (How about you?)
The first step is to understand each other - what do we do next?
Getting to know others helps you to get to know yourself.
Judy's e-course Virtual Leadership Secrets: http://learning.ly/products/virtual-leadership-secrets
Check out Judy's new website - Pilar particularly enjoyed this post: http://judyrees.co.uk/why-im-giving-up-listening/