Jan 30, 2015
00:45 Pilar talks about "the problem with trust" at work and the
Trust Equation, created by the Trusted Advisor. (for transcript
check out wlpodcast.com)
10:36 Virtual Coffee with Lisette.
11:20 Pilar and Lisette plug the No Pants Festival.
13:00 Lisette talks about her Collaboration...
Jan 23, 2015
Pilar talks to Marta Texidor, Customer Success Manager for Microsoft, about how organisations are using Yammer. For the full show notes and pics of both guests, go to www.wlpodcast.com and search for episode 14.
00:30 Pilar shares an event she's taking part in on 25 January
02:30 Pilar talks about some of the...
Jan 16, 2015
00:30 Pilar talks about why meetings might be going wrong. (
08:30 Virtual Coffee with Lisette. Lisette talks a bit about her
book Collaboration Superpowers.
12:55 Facilitating Online Meetings and distributing responsibility
to make the meeting succesful.
15:30 What can we do to make online meetings succesful?
Jan 9, 2015
00.30 Pilar talks about MOOCs and the use of technology in
12.43 Shannon introduces Udemy and the story of its founder.
16.30 What people are seeking to learn and how the way in which we
interact with online learning is changing.
26.00 Udemy for Business and how corporate learning is
39.50 Pilar...
Jan 2, 2015
Welcome to a tiny episode of 21st Century Work Life. I was actually just going to release a note saying that there wouldn’t be an episode today, but as I was about to do that, I got thinking about some work life related stuff and I thought, why not share some of it with you and make a mini-episode out of it.