Oct 10, 2019
Today Pilar explores the paths that a diverse range of leaders of remote teams have travelled, to reach their present roles. Journeys of learning, self awareness and personal growth… Some inspiring conversations, which we will share with you in full later in the year.
But first...
Our quick round-up of remote work news and conversations:
Don’t forget to share with us ‘what’s going on’ for you, and there’s more news, of course, in our newsletter.
Now lets meet our remote leadership guests, who discussed multiple dimensions of remote leadership in a series of in-depth conversations with Pilar (please see full shownotes for details)
Laïla is Head of People Ops at Mural, a visual collaboration tool for planning and brainstorming
Buffer Mobile Lead
If you enjoyed these insights, do look out later in the year for the full interviews with each of these inspiring guests