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21st Century Work Life

Brought to you by Virtual not Distant, the 21st Century Work Life podcast looks at leading remote teams, online collaboration and working in distributed organisations.

Join Pilar Orti, guests & co-hosts as they shine the spotlight on the most relevant themes and news relevant to the modern knowledge worker.

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Jan 30, 2020

This podcast is brought to you by Virtual Not Distant ltd - please see full shownotes and much more, at

What’s going on?

  • What are the trends for Human Resources in 2020? Here are 20 of them, covered in breadth rather than depth - we could group them under themes of transparency, collaboration (“Slack” is a trend now apparently!), and making work visible. Interestingly this is not a list aimed at remote teams, but that’s not immediately obvious.
  • Good news for collaboration tool deployment:  How Zoom Better Enables Patient Care, Employee Development at Moffitt Cancer Center and London Ambulance trials phone video stream platform  It’s fantastic to see online meeting tools making a difference, even saving lives, in diverse settings which are so far removed from our knowledge-worker bubble, and here are two great examples from the world of medicine.
  • Templates in MS Teams - now for medical and all sorts of other organisations and teams there are prebuilt templates, again reflecting the differentiation in use of these platforms, and the need for rapid onboarding and integration of increasingly complex tools for niche uses.
  • Top 100 Companies with Remote Jobs in 2020 - some surprising ’stealth remote’ employers in this list, and a variety of industries are also reflected. Do you work remotely for one of them? We’d love to hear from you!
  • Study: 64% Of Comms Leaders Would Use A Virtual PR Agency - A reminder perhaps of how early in adoption we are, with the corollary that apparently 36% of clients think this option is still inferior, and the distinction of a ‘virtual agency’ being a qualitatively different thing is evident.
  • Professional Development & Networking for Remote - Maya was happily back in the ‘remote work bubble’ at this online networking event with Workplaceless, discussing the challenges of hybrid teams and transitioning - it’s well worth exploring their upcoming events, and certification programme.