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21st Century Work Life and leading remote teams

Brought to you by Virtual not Distant, the 21st Century Work Life podcast looks at leading remote teams, online collaboration and working in distributed organisations.

Join Pilar Orti, guests & co-hosts as they shine the spotlight on the most relevant themes and news relevant to the modern knowledge worker.

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Jun 11, 2020

This podcast is brought to you by Virtual Not Distant Ltd, please see the full show notes over on our website. 

What’s Going On

We're reading and discussing:

Covid-19 Just Accelerated What Was Already Happening [Long Read] 

Five workplace trends will shape life after lockdown 

Mapping “The Future of Work” Startup & Investor ecosystem

Bill of Rights for Remote Work

Facebook and Google extend working from home to end of year and  Facebook employees could receive pay cuts as they continue to work from home, also Google will let workers expense $1,000 worth of office furniture.

We also discuss remote tracking/monitoring apps and trends, Brexit negotiations on Zoom, accessibility of collaboration tools (Making collaboration accessible to all with Microsoft Teams and  Accessibility overview of Microsoft Teams - Office Support), and online meeting fashion tips (yes, this is now a thing).


Meanwhile, at Virtual Not Distant, and our community…

Bart, has a new book out in Belgium, with the Dutch title: "Voorbij Het Nieuwe Werken, een dialoogboek". ("Beyond the New Way of Work") (#futureofworkBE)


Pilar has recently run two round tables for the Spanish energy company Iberdrola, who are approaching remote working from the green point of view, and more for Spanish speakers, take a look at Campo Virtual Latino. 

Emotional Contagion

A recent conversation on LinkedIn led to a great dialogue, which was so interesting that Pilar pulled it all into an article: Do Emotions Spread through Collaboration Platforms?

So there you have it, lots going on in the world of remote, even beyond the present dependence on home-based working worldwide. If you have ideas, angles, and articles you’d like us to explore in future episodes, do get in touch