Jul 21, 2016
In today's episode, Pilar and Lisette talk about what factors affect motivation in virtual teams - and indeed most teams.
It's a short one today.
Maybe this
mentoring group for managers of virtual teams is for you...
Would you like to join Virtual Team Talk?
And, of course, many thanks to Saros Research. If you'd like to
share your opinion and get paid for it (and you're based in the UK
or Ireland), follow this link.
07:00 mins Our Updates
Lisette is going to be on Entrepreneur on Fire!!!! (Yes, you
read right!)
Meanwhile, Pilar is getting ready to launch two podcasts in August:
En clave de podcast with Craig Wealand and 21st Century
Some stuff that's happening in the Virtual Team Talk Group.
(Wink to Mark Kilby and the Sketchtogether guys.)
Lisette mentions this popular interview on her Collaboration
Superpowers podcast:
Leslie Truex's interview on Be a Work at Home Success
27:40 mins Our Conversation
This is the article by Liz Ryan (@humanworkplace on Twitter) that inspired today's episode: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/how-kill-your-teams-motivation-without-really-trying-liz-ryan
"Management should be a profession, not a promotion."
Should managers be responsible for motivating their team members
or should they just get out of the way?
You need to know the individual.
Self-determination theory and Daniel Pink's adaptation of
What is at the heart of what motivates us to do a good job?
"Motivation is a function of your environment."
Technology plays an important part in motivation, as it is a key
component of your environment.
The role of leadership and management in being visible. Our own
relationship with hierarchy. Managers beware...
If you want to find out more about Dan Ariely's work on motivation.
Visibility of our work in organisations.
Barriers to making decisions and how to ask others for help.