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21st Century Work Life and leading remote teams

Brought to you by Virtual not Distant, the 21st Century Work Life podcast looks at leading remote teams, online collaboration and working in distributed organisations.

Join Pilar Orti, guests & co-hosts as they shine the spotlight on the most relevant themes and news relevant to the modern knowledge worker.

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May 25, 2017

In this episode, Pilar talks to Chris Slemp about working out loud with teams, creating a collaboration environement and I how remote work has the potential of changing the structure of society. 


A little bit of an intro from Chris.

How Carpool works and how they track how communication flows through an organisation.

The "collaboration environment" and building the ecosystem.

When the reality and our perception of what's going on is different - the importance of data. An anecdote.

Will people misbehave in social networks?

Working with clients as a remote company.

Working Out Loud within the team and with the client. Role-modelling transparency and collaboration through a tight relationship with the client.

The transition of Carpool to remote and the differences in the generations - not the ones you would expect...

The opportunity to change the world and the structure of society through changing how we work.

Having "culture conversations".

This isn't about the tools it's about thinking differently about how we work.

"Office optional".

Video: do teams need to use video?
Using video as a broadcast mechanism in organisations. An example. Going live on Workplace by Facebook
Twitter: @cslemp