Apr 17, 2015
This episode includes Virtual Coffee with Lisette.
00:30 Pilar's introduction. She recommends Pocket, UCExpo15. (For
the script visit, www.virtualnotdistant.com/results.)
07:01 A story about the different reasons why people might be
underperforming. 10:45 Lisette shares how her focusing time working
on her book is going and the power of reaching out. The "being-busy
syndrome" and when it's way too much.
16:00 Pilar mentions the UC Expo 2015 and the London Management 3.0 Meetup Group.
17:00 The importance of tracking progress and results. Why do we
collect metrics, why do we need to track?
20:50 Defining how success looks like. The importance of multiple
perspectives. Pilar mentions Yael Zofi's
A Manager's Guide to Virtual Teams
23:20 Organisation's objectives and personal objectives.
26:36 Who's role is it to stay on top of these tracking systems?
31:22 Visualising data.
37:20 Progress, problems and plans.
40:55 Start with the basics and make sure your metrics evolve.
The team should be involved in looking at metrics and deciding how
we're tracking.
46:51 "Don't shoot the messenger!" Or the perils of reporting bad